Letters to the editor:
Inter-University Network for Healthy Aging, Latin America and the Caribbean (RIES-LAC): a university contribution to the Decade of Healthy Aging
Red interuniversitaria de envejecimiento saludable, Latinoamérica y Caribe (RIES-LAC): un aporte universitario a la década del envejecimiento saludable
Rede interuniversitária para o envelhecimento saudável, América Latina e Caribe (RIES-ALC): uma contribuição universitária para a década do envelhecimento saudável
Original articles:
Could neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predict the development of delirium in older adults with hip fracture? A pilot study
Hospital indicators of the orthogeriatric unit in older ecuadorian adults with hip fracture
Biochemical parameters for delirium in hospitalized older patients with COVID-19
Clinical case:
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) in the elderly, from diagnostic inertia to resolution. Case report
New in geriatrics:
Use of social networks in the elderly: impact on well-being and health-related decision making