The Journal of Latin American Geriatric Medicine (J Geriatric Medicine) is the official journal of the Colegio Nacional de Medicina Geriátrica, CONAMEGER.
It is a double-blind peer reviewed journal, that publishes biannually, online, and Open Access (free of charge for authors and readers) in English.
It has an Editorial Committee composed of national and international experts.

The journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor and editorials about any field in geriatrics and related specialties.

Its mission is:

To become a permanent communication vehicle with the geriatric community and related specialties.
 To be a a house organ of continuing education for the geriatric community and related specialties.
 To be an authority for the promotion and dissemination of science and technology in the specialty of geriatrics,
understanding the concepts of science and technology in a broad sense,
including technological advances, experience and clinical research.


Vol.10 Num.1

January - June,
Volume 10, Number 1

Letters to the editor:

Iván Palomo, Margarita Murgieri, Rafael Pizarro-Mena, Diego A. Chavarro-Carvajal, María F. Lopez, Jeanine Mongelos, Aldo Sgaravatti, Patrick A. Wachholz, Jorge Gamonal, Robinson Cuadros

Inter-University Network for Healthy Aging, Latin America and the Caribbean (RIES-LAC): a university contribution to the Decade of Healthy Aging
Iván Palomo, Margarita Murgieri, Rafael Pizarro-Mena, Diego A. Chavarro-Carvajal, María F. Lopez, Jeanine Mongelos, Aldo Sgaravatti, Patrick A. Wachholz, Jorge Gamonal, Robinson Cuadros

Red interuniversitaria de envejecimiento saludable, Latinoamérica y Caribe (RIES-LAC): un aporte universitario a la década del envejecimiento saludable
Iván Palomo, Margarita Murgieri, Rafael Pizarro-Mena, Diego A. Chavarro-Carvajal, María F. Lopez, Jeanine Mongelos, Aldo Sgaravatti, Patrick A. Wachholz, Jorge Gamonal, Robinson Cuadros

Rede interuniversitária para o envelhecimento saudável, América Latina e Caribe (RIES-ALC): uma contribuição universitária para a década do envelhecimento saudável

Original articles:

Angélica L. Sireno-Ledezma, Célica R. González-Galván, Dania L. Quintanilla-Flores, Juan F. Torres-Pérez, Víctor M. Peña-Martínez, Ricardo Salinas-Martínez, Ana C. Muñoz-Diaz, Rocío Morales-Delgado

Could neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predict the development of delirium in older adults with hip fracture? A pilot study
Brenda L. Pillajo-Sánchez, María J. Suing-Ortega, Patricio G. Buendía-Gómez de la Torre

Hospital indicators of the orthogeriatric unit in older ecuadorian adults with hip fracture
Cecilio Martínez-Vega, Lianka C. Rudecino-Martínez, Ramiro A. Alvarado-Motte, Dinorah Rodríguez-Navarro, Luis E. Martínez-Bravo, Julio C. Dávila-Valero

Biochemical parameters for delirium in hospitalized older patients with COVID-19

New in geriatrics:
