The Journal of Latin American Geriatric Medicine (J Geriatric Medicine) is the official journal of the Colegio Nacional de Medicina Geriátrica, CONAMEGER.
It is a double-blind peer reviewed journal, that publishes biannually, online, and Open Access (free of charge for authors and readers) in English.
It has an Editorial Committee composed of national and international experts.

The journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor and editorials about any field in geriatrics and related specialties.

Its mission is:

To become a permanent communication vehicle with the geriatric community and related specialties.
 To be a a house organ of continuing education for the geriatric community and related specialties.
 To be an authority for the promotion and dissemination of science and technology in the specialty of geriatrics,
understanding the concepts of science and technology in a broad sense,
including technological advances, experience and clinical research.


Vol.9 Num.2

July - December,
Volume 9, Number 2

Original article:

Miguel Sánchez-Ortiz, Lorena Chavarrias-Izquierdo, Amaia Ramón-Martín, Ana Sangüesa-Lacruz, Alfonso Noblejas-Torán, Alberto López-Lasheras

Nutritional assessment using the MNA scale in hospitalized elderly patients
José R. Barrientos-Ávalos, Claudia Fraga-Ávila, Julio A. Díaz-Ramos

Aging with metabolic syndrome in Mexico: an analysis of prevalence and risk for geriatric syndromes
Marco I. García-Villaseñor, José O. Duarte-Flores, Lilian E. Pacheco-Magaña

Relationship between age and sexual activity in the elderly attended in a second-level hospital in Mexico

Review article:

Juan P. Arriaga-García Rendón, Omar González

Bioethics in end-of-life care: statistical review

Brief communication:

José R. Barrientos-Ávalos, Juan M. A. García-Lara, Julio A. Díaz-Ramos

Protective role of statins against sepsis complications in the context of geriatric syndromes